One more "sleep"...The FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is tomorrow Tuesday, August 23!! Our staff is excited to welcome all students back for the 2022-2023 school year. Middle/High school students may enter the building at 7:20am. MS/HS starts at 7:40am, and students are expected to be in their 1st hour class at that time. The Elementary students are able to enter the building at 8:35am, and school will start at 8:45am. If you have any questions you can contact the elementary school at 989-865-9210, or the MS/HS at 989-865-9991.

Bulldog Day a Great Success On Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 seventy eight percent of the students enrolled at St. Charles Middle/High School attended the first annual Bulldog Day. Students and their families were able to meet their teachers, open their locker, get their school picture taken, receive their chrome book, student handbook, and their schedule. New high school Principal Amy Leffel and her dog Duke greeted visitors into the building. Guests also received free popcorn from the Athletic Association. Mrs. Brcik and her staff provided free hot dogs, chips, cookies, and fruit for families. Board of Education members, school Superintendent, and Central Office Staff were in attendance to meet parents and students. School bus drivers were on hand to answer any transportation question and Mr. Larsen, athletic director, was available to answer sports questions. Parents and Families met St. Charles Village Police Chief Church and School Liaison Officer Ott. A huge thank you to all the families who attended Bulldog Day and also to the staff and guests for making this day successful. GO BULLDOGS! School Starts Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022 at 7:40 a.m. in the middle/high school. Students can enter the building at 7:20 a.m. School will be in session Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week!

A huge shout out and thank you to Sam and Kelsie Mayer for sponsoring the shirts for Bulldog Day! We truly appreciate you and them!!!!!!

Congratulations to all of the Elementary, Middle and High School Cross Country runners on completing their first race of the year at the Hemlock invitational. Great job! Go Bulldogs!

Our elementary staff, preschool staff, and the Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds program are excited to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Hassan and her team from the University of Michigan today. They are being trained on how to use the IMPACT Program daily while in the classroom. The IMPACT program is a researched based program that builds upon the importance of infusing exercise and brain breaks into the instructional day.

Shelly Meier was selected as the 202-2022 Horace Mann "Excellence in Education" Award recipient. This is an honor that other staff members nominated Shelly for. Shelly has taught in the middle and elementary schools, and has always gone above and beyond for her students. She is a great asset to the Bulldog Family, and we are so lucky to have her in our district. Shelly (standing in the back) is pictured below with Stacey Robinson, the Horace Mann representative.

We would like to congratulate a handful of our outstanding bulldog staff member's on their years of service as a BULLDOG educator. Pictured below are our staff members who have given the district their dedication, and were recognized at the 2022-2023 Welcome Back Staff Breakfast.
Five year service pins were earned by Jason King, Danielle Samyn, Mary Jo Skiendziel, and Andrea Jamrog. Ten year pins were earned by Patricia Brcik, Kristine Docken, Lily Jastrembowski, Dasha Moore, and Jill Sunderland. Fifteen year pins were earned by Marlene Debar, Aaron Gebauer, and Ashley Short. A thirty year service pin was given to Donna Schantz.
Not pictured Marlene Debar and Andrea Jamrog.

Bulldog Day is approaching! We are looking forward to students and their families joining us on Wednesday, August 17th.

There will be a backpack giveaway for all St. Charles Community School students on Tuesday, August 9th from 9:30am-11am in front of the Elementary school. Come up to the school to receive a free backpack filled with crayons, notebooks, and pencils while supplies last.

The St. Charles Athletic Association is a non-profit organization, committed to promoting, fostering, encouraging, and supporting the St. Charles Schools Athletic programs. Membership is encouraged but not required. Anyone who has an interest in STC sports is welcome to attend meetings and/or become a volunteer.
The first meeting of the 2022-2023 school year will be held tonight, August 8th @ 6pm at the Alley Bar and Grill.

Today is the day! It is not too late!
Please remind your families and friends to VOTE!

Today is the day! Please remind your families and friends to VOTE!

Tomorrow is election day!!

Voting can be done on Tuesday, August 2nd or Saturday, July 30th. Feel free to SHARE this information to ensure everyone has the chance to secure thier VOTE!!

Vote tomorrow, July 30th, if time does not allow you to cast your vote on August 2nd!

YMCA of Saginaw’s, Mission Nutrition is back on Fridays for the rest of the summer from 11 AM to 12:30 PM in front of the Central Office of the St. Charles Community School District. They will be giving away free meals and snacks for all kids under 18 years old”. There will be 200 sets of meals and snacks available.

Special Education Millage: Alternate voting date.
If time does not allow you to vote on August 2nd, please consider casting your vote on Saturday, July 30th. Please see the attachment below for more information.
Thanks and Go Bulldogs!

Congratulations to the Class of 2022 Top 10!!! A very deserving group of students! This crew rocks!!! #stcproud

St. Charles Community Schools will be closed on Friday, February 25, 2022 due to poor visibility and road conditions. Childcare will be open. Take care & stay safe. Thanks & Go Bulldogs!

Superintendent interview are being held in the high school media center, Saturday February at 9 am. Public is welcome to attend and give input!