~STC Summer School~
St. Charles Middle/High School Summer School (grades 7-12) will be located in the High School 100 Hallway.
Students will attend in person from June 13th- July 27th on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays each week from 8 am- 12 pm.
No SUMMER SCHOOL the week of July 4th (July 4th, 5th, and 6th).
If you have questions, please email Mike Nesbit at nesbitm@stccs.org or call (989) 865-9991.

St. Charles Elementary Summer School (grades 1-6) will be held in the elementary school from 9 am-12 pm. They can check in each day in the library.
Students will attend July 17th- August 3rd on Mondays-Thursdays each week. Breakfast will be provided.
If you have questions, please email Nathan Swain at swainn@stccs.org or Beth Harger at hargerb@stccs.org
You can also call (989) 865-9210.