Welcome to St. Charles Middle/High School Resource Officer Allyson Ott

NO SCHOOL Friday, September 2nd and Monday, September 5th to comemorate Labor Day. Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

Join our team!! We are looking for a Middle/High School Paraprofessional. Please share!!

On October 14th, 2022 St. Charles will be celebrating Homecoming and "100" years of football. In 1922 football came to St. Charles in official form. The school board hired a man by the name of Pearce to coach the team.

St. Charles Elementary Safe Routes to School /Walk to School Event

Welcome to St. Charles Ashley Frank. Ashley is the Health Resource Advocate from the Saginaw County Health Department. She is funded through a grant. We are very fortunate to have a health care professional in our schools.


Congratulations to the 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1965 St. Charles Football Teams. They are being inducted into the Saginaw County Sports Hall of Fame! Way to go Bulldogs!!! The Ceremony is Sunday, November 6th, 2022 at Horizons Conference Center. For ticket information, please contact Sharon Bade at (989) 239-9874.

Leaders In The Making
Makayla Zelinko and Mallory Flory are representing St. Charles Middle/High School in the Saginaw County Youth Ambassador Program. Saginaw Intermediate School District, in partnership with the Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce, Dale Carnegie Training, and Partnershift, is pleased to announce the selection of the second group of Saginaw County Youth Ambassadors! Each school can send two incoming high school sophomores throughout Saginaw County. These students have earned the opportunity to learn and develop sought after leadership skills through a unique, three-year, comprehensive program designed to prepare them for promoting community services and the many benefits of living in Saginaw County.

Congratulations to Reagan Rousseau, Samantha Memmer, Ava Ferry who competed this weekend representing St. Charles Middle/High School at the MIHA Equestrian Districts. The team qualified for Regionals. Great job team and an extra shout out to Senior, Reagan Rousseau for qualifying for Regionals for the fourth year in a row.

If your driving through St. Charles Middle/High School parking lot and you notice all the colorful parking spaces, the senior class sold customized parking spaces to the staff and the seniors for $30. Each participants have their space for the entire year. What a fun way to start the year.

Welcome Home Alex Schofield, 2012 St. Charles Graduate. Alex is doing a show on September 17th at the Saints Snowmobile Club. Tickets can be purchased in the St. Charles Middle/High School Office 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru Thursday and at the Saints Snowmobile Club from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 30th.

Reminder...NO SCHOOL on Friday, August 26th. We will see everyone back on Monday, August 29th :)

Middle School Athletic Schedule September 1st to September 24th

High School Athletic Schedule
August 29th to September 10th

New Middle/High School Principal Amy Leffel and Duke Welcome Students To The 2022-23 School Year
Mrs. Leffel started the school year with grade level assemblies to welcome students back to school and to set her expectations, reveal changes to the handbook, especially cell phone and dress code policies. Welcome to Bulldog Country Mrs. Leffel

Middle/High School Picture Retake Day
August 30th, 2022
7:40 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Class of 2023 Parent Meeting, Thursday, September 15 at 6 PM in the media center.

Look at all the smiling faces this morning at St. Charles Elementary School! Students and staff are excited to be back to school for the 2022-2023 school year. It is going to be a FUN year!!

The MS/HS halls are full this morning as students arrive for the first day of school. We hope everyone has a GREAT first day! Go Bulldogs!!